Plus Size Fashion | Latex | Jewellery | Fine Art | Interiors |
Independent Plus Size Specialist Fashion Designer
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The Full Story
Printed Merchandise
Susey has been experimenting with different printing techniques both computer generated and hand made using printing blocks and paints. Susey has been looking at 3rd party printing companys who specialise in using Artists work to print onto both garments and accessories. Here is a page especially for those sites Susey uses for her printing needs.

Here is a newer site that is UK based and produces some gorgeous items with her unique prints. Susey will be adding to the collections on these sites every week, so subscribe to her newsletter here and dont miss a thing she posts.

Susey has been uploading her fabric designs to Spoonflower for a number of years now. It is US based but they are very quick and the prints that she has ordered have been beautiful in both colours and textures.