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Independent Plus Size Specialist Fashion Designer
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PDUK Website Design & Management
The Full Story
Susey has always dabbled with creating websites both for herself and for her friends. She has recently in the last year been asked by several creatives to create and manage their websties for them. This has proved very successful both for my clients and for myself. so there are a few of the many many websites I have created since the year 2000.

Clarrie Flavell Silversmith
Clarrie is the newest member of my Website Club, she wanted a clean looking non cluttered approach and is an ongoing project for her. As she is creating work all the time and selling at an equal rate.
Josh Johnson Ceramiics
Josh asked me to create a very simple and clean pallette and design, so that his colourful work can be easily seen and sold. This is also an ongoing project for us, because he has a large turnover and creation rate etc..

Louise Shrempft Ceramics
Louise is a Ceramicist living and working in the North Wales area. She owns a Pottery shop and Gallery where she provides all kinds of workshops for all ages and abilities. She also shows her work at very prestigious Galleries across the UK.